Arun A Cappella is a female a cappella harmony chorus based in Bognor Regis, West Sussex with around 15 singers.
The chorus is very active, singing at a wide range of events in the local community, as well as taking part in regional festivals and national competitions. The aim of the group is to share its love of a cappella singing with others and to encourage women to try singing to improve their health and wellbeing.
Arun A Cappella is a member of LABBS (Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers) and has won the National Small Chorus Trophy 6 times.
The current Musical Director is Naomi Cole, an enthusiastic and prizewinning barbershopper.
The Chorus was founded in 1981, then named The Arun Sounds by June Bryant who was the first Musical Director. Madeleine Branson took over as Musical Director in 1997, standing down in 2018 after 21 years of dedicated service. She was succeeded by Joyce Stroud who retired in 2022.